Friday, January 18, 2008

January 6, 2008 ~ Roundup MT

We spent the day emptying the U-Haul, building crates and loading them up to be shipped. Found a few treasures in our stash that I'd forgotten we'd had. My greatest discovery? Jen's baby album that she has been wanting for years. We both thought it had been brought back to Alaska in 1997, so imagine my surprise when I found it in one of our boxes!
Mom had fun too, going through all her things and finding places to put them in her current home. "It's like Christmas all over again!" she exclaimed.

Beginning of Audrey's pile

Beginning of our pile - top half of my Hoosier cabinet, our pink formica table, old metal bread box...

Rog & Louie discuss the plan for removing the rest of the items

Our pile is getting larger - bottom of the Hoosier cabinet and our bron table have been added to the mix, as well as more boxes

Audrey's pile has grown substantially as well!

Not much left, now! Audrey's milk separator and sewing machine are on the right; our bed set, cabinet and vanity are along the back wall (the wicker bench is Audrey's)

Audrey's Hoosier cabinet gets set up in her kitchen

Rog packs the drawers of our cabinet, to fill it for shipping

The bottom of the cabinet gets filled with small boxes, board games and some of my clothing from 11 years ago

The milk separator gets placed in-between the legs of our vanity

Rog's clever method of scooting the heavy crate forward in the truck bed

Bottom half of my Hoosier cabinet - filled nside with boxes and other items to be shipped back to Alaska

Rog struggles to move the crate forward while Louie works on things in the backyard

Rog prepares to attach the sides and top of the first crate.

"Strike a Pose!"

Muttley does his best impersonation of the "greeting card" dog

TFL ~ kimB


pdxscrappinmamma said...

What a trip..........thanks for sharing. Looks like you had fun visiting some great antique shops. Also, love the way you can always capture beauty in the most interesting things.