Wednesday, January 16, 2008

December 31, 2007 ~ Roundup MT to Wellington CO

Here are my notes from Monday, 12/31 -

Rm 16, Big Sky Motel - 7:00 am... Up, dressed and ready to head out in a few minutes -- we will pick Mom up, dop Muttley off and head into Billings to pick up our rental car by 8:30. After that, we'll return the van, do some food shopping and head on out. We've reserved a room in Wellington CO, just over the WY/CO border and tomorrow, finish the drive to Alamosa. Watching the Today show, we saw that "Colorado received" a lot of new snow yesterday, "making riving treacherous," but they didn't specify WHERE in Colorado -- please, Lord, don't let us go through any storm and if we do, please let us arrive w/o mishap in Alamosa...

2007 Chrysler Town & Country with "Stow & Go" seating. Audrey really wanted to get this van and we had planned to do so, but Rog discovered the dealership was pulling a "bait & switch" on us and charge several thousand dollars more than the advertised price.
We turned them down.
This photo of the van was taken the morning we checked out of the motel in Roundup.

Cute decorations outside the motel office

It was like this the first 100 miles or so out of Billings.
Icy roads, but nothing really "bad" - just had to take it a little slow in places.

This shot - and the one following - are two of my favorites from the whole trip. I'm not even sure I can explain why -- the beauty of the light in the sky and clouds... the vista of the landscape around us... they cry out loudly to my spirit, of the awesome magnificence of our GOD.

People often tell me, when they see my photos of Alaska, that I live in a place of beauty and majesty. I agree with their assessment and give the glory to GOD, but as we travel to other parts of the country, I find that GOD's beauty and majesty are everywhere! This may seem obvious to some, but for this native Alaskan, such a discovery is a delightful blessing...

GOD of Wonders, beyond our galaxy,

YOU are Holy, Holy

Precious LORD, reveal Your heart to me,

FATHER Holy, Holy

The Universe declares Your majesty,

YOU are Holy, Holy

~ Third Day (City on a Hill)

"I can't talk now...we have cows..." (Dr Melissa Reeves, Twister)

"More cows!" (Dr Jo Harding, Twister)

Our rented Nissan Altima has a keyless ignition!

Dry pavement, happily! Somewhere on I-25 in Wyoming

Setting sun between Sheridan and Cheyenne WY

Profile of a reclining man, watching the setting sun. I-25, WY

Blowing snow on I-25, between Wheatland & Cheyenne WY

TFL - kimB