We spent the first half of the day at the storage place, going though our belongings, separating Audrey's things from ours and then pulling out the "keep" items from the "toss" items. After a few hours, we decided the most practical thing to do was to rent a U-Haul truck and take everything back to Audrey's in Montana, to finish our sorting and then build the shipping crates needed to send our things back to Alaska.
We left La Junta around 2:30 pm and drove the 246 miles to Wellington, where we spent the night before continuing on to Roundup MT the next day. Rog drove the U-Haul, while I followed behind in the rental car.
Rog breaks the lock of the storage unit Success!
Our first look into the 10x10x10 storage unit Audrey's antique milk separator, which we brought to AK for Rog's sis, Judy
Rog's great-grandmother's old Singer, which we also brought back for Judy
Two of our pink, chrome kitchen chairs, which go with our pink formica kitchen table
Our cabinet from the 1940s or 50s
Eeewww! Mouse bones in one of my boxes! Eeewww again! Mouse bones in one of Audrey's boxes!
Sorting our things into "yours," "ours" and "toss"
Our bedroom vanity from the 1940s; has a matching mirror, headboard and footboard
Paper Maiche' Carousel Horse, which Audrey gave to Jen in 1996Rog loads the bottom half of Audrey's Hoosier cabinet into the U-Haul
Rog shuts the door on the fully-loaded truck (the green rocker is ours)
Following Rog up "CO-71" from La Junta to Denver
Patriotic rest stop along I-70 on the way to Denver
Striking sunset taken from the I-70 rest stop
TFL ~ kimB
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